Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some Pictures

Because most of my posts are written while on my office computer and our pictures are stored on my home computer, I figured I would post some pictures now while I am on my home computer.

Katerina at Forest Park above and below.

Out back in sand box with her rocks.

Playing with Cousins

Katerina spent yesterday afternoon and early evening playing with her cousin Gaby, and to a lesser extent Bella and her friend.

Gaby, who is 7, is great with Katerina. Gaby pulls out all of her old toys for Katerina to play with. Then they took a bath together which Katerina absolutely loved. Playing in the tub was great for her. She has recently falling in love with bath time. I think the added ability to play with Gaby made it even better. The next bath will probably be a let down because she will be alone.

All of Katerina's cousins have been good with her. Kira and Trevor when up from their home in Texas played with her a lot and she really enjoyed. But because they live in Texas, we do not see them regularly. Our niece Gaby is smart and fun-loving but can be a pain sometimes. So it is funny to think Katerina will grow up emulating Gaby. But, I could think of many, many worse children for her to be like.

Most important is Gaby plays with her and Katerina loves it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Early Intervention Meeting This Morning - Went Well!!

We had our meeting with early intervention today. Although only the meeting leader (forgot her real title) was able to show up. The speech therapist and occupational therapist were both sick yesterday so decided best not to come this morning. We were quite happy with that. Kelly said there is a nasty GI virus going around that we do not want to catch. They will reschedule but after meeting with Joyce, we are confident Katerina will not need any therapy.

Joyce was great with Katerina. She gave us some good tips for a couple of things that could help Katerina. She was quick to say they were not her areas of expertise but suggested an exercise to work Katerina's eyes could help. Although we do have an appointment set up with a pediatric eye doctor to check them. Still quite completely determine if the shape of her eyes and nose cause one of her eyes to seem a bit lazy or if it actually is a bit lazy. It is not too bad so the exercises should be enough if there is a problem.

She also though Katerina's motor skills were very good. And they were on full display as Katerina climbed over everything: the coffee table, the couch, the end table to the couch, etc. Verbal skills, which is what we were most concerned about simply because of the late start with English were also where they (whomever they are) say the skills should be. She has a few words down and she is trying to speak others. I call it gobbledy gook.

Lastly, we were a tad concerned by some of the things we thought Katerina should be doing. As if she were behind the curve but Joyce explained that those things just aren't normal for an 18 month old child. And if she was doing those things, she would have been worried about Aspergers. We felt quite relieved. Things that were beyond her age but we did not know that.

Lastly, she had a great quote. She said something to the effect of..."everyone wants their child to be in college by the age of two with the stuff they push on them. It is no wonder so many kids end up using drugs as they get older with all the pressure put on them. Just let kid be kids." Basically she was saying social skills and kids playing with age appropriate stuff is best. Not everything has to be a learning/teaching moment.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Early Intervention

We have a meeting set up for Wednesday morning for Katerina with Early Intervention. I am not sure how much, if anything, Katerina needs. At 19 months in a week, she seems to be very close to walking so she has nearly caught up physically to those around her age.

Her speech is coming. She says some words in English. And is certainly trying to say more. But of course, we will do whatever we can to help her along. If they make suggestions we will follow through on them. Anything for Katerina.

Climbing and Bruises

Katerina woke up yesterday morning with a shiner. Our first thought was, what in the world happened. We do not recall bumping her face like that, nor crying during the night.

I guess we are going to have to get used to this. She has become a crazy little climber girl. She will climb out of anything. Came upstairs to dinner from my office and found her on the kitchen table which is a high table. She was just sitting there waiting for dinner. Needless to say I was shocked she was able to get out of her high chair and on to the table.

Earlier this week she took her first big tumble right in front of me. I saw it happening but could not get to her in time to catch her. It hurt to hold her while she cried. I said to kelly, "the scary part is this is not going to be the worst fall she takes, in the coming years." That thought stinks but is true.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Katerina at 18 months

Katerina has now been home for nearly 6 months. Both Kelly and I cannot imagine life without our little princess.

We just had her 18 month check up which included more immunizations and vaccines. She did not spike too much of a fever this time. The last time she went over 102 the day after. This time topped out around 100 which was nice. Although we were prepared for much worse.

When we brought Katerina home she was short and light as I like to say. She was in the 25% percentile for height and slightly above that for weight. Now she is right in the middle of both. She is at 50% for height and weight. She is just a few inches short of 3 feet tall now. Not sure at what age the doctor starts referring to her height rather than length but right now she is at about 32 inches long/tall.

She has been getting along quite well with her grandparents. There are moments of shyness which is ok but usually she is very good with them. And often quite friendly with most people. She will say "hi" and wave at anyone in any store most of the time. Today she got a little nervous in a small store which had a lot of people in it. We like still like to see her cling to us at times. Just a reminder that she knows we are the important people in her life. I think she knows this anyway but still a nice reminder.

My brother, his wife and daughters gave a wagon to Katerina which she absolutely loves. We pull her around the yard and on the driveway and she goes crazy. Now when she just sees it, even if we are going out, she wants a ride in the wagon.

Well enough for tonight. I will post pictures in the next day or two when I am on the other computer which has the pictures on it.

Been a long time since I posted - Sorry

First let me apologize for the delay in posting. We have been hectic with a move to a new but old state. Plus work has had me quite busy. My day is now watch Katerina during the day while Kelly works and then when she gets home, our responsibilities switch. Kelly watches Katerina and I go to the basement and work for the next few hours.

We moved in July from Connecticut to Massachusetts, both for job opportunities and to be closer to our family. This is where we are both from and most of our family is still in the area so it is nice to be home. But as you can imagine, packing a 4 bedroom house and moving it to another state with a young to watch can be time consuming.

But that being said, I will post a few times over the next couple of days with updates about where Katerina is these days and what has been going on in her life. And, how she is doing.