Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jet Lag

Last night was the first time I went to bed at a normal time for me. I googled jet lag and found out it takes about a day for every time zone you travel across when traveling East from the West. Based on this time frame, I will be back to normal in the next day or two. It cannot come fast enough. Our internal clocks work for us 99% of the time. But really work against when traveling.

I think Kelly has handled it better because she was used to ignoring her internal clock when in residency. Those 18, 24, 30 hour days works for something I guess.

If the time frame is correct, I feel for our friends who are adopting from the other side of Russia. That has to be about 16 times zones from ours on the East Coast. It will all be worth it for us and them when our little ones are home but boy has it been tough the past week.