Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We Almost Had A Date

Well we got world from our agency that we had a court date scheduled for a few weeks from now. Unfortunately they forgot the fact that we had told them we were unavailable from February 16-23 because Kelly's partner is on vacation. We had told multiple people about this and apparently it slipped their collective minds before they called and told us that our court date was smack dab int he middle of February 16-23. This is a major let down for us because it means bringing Katerina home will be delayed at least a week and possibly 3 or 4 weeks. Also because our agency knew this and should not have even called with the date but rather just addressed and corrected the issue. At least then we would have just thought that we were waiting a little longer rather than they screwed up.

I will add as an attorney I understand Courts give out dates but they are always flexible when people cannot be present for certain reasons.

So, in a nutshell, we are disappointed but know it is coming. She will be home soon.