Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random Encounter at the Mall

Kelly and I were walking through the Holyoke Mall with Katerina the other day and happened to stop to take care of something on Katerina. So not remember what. Katerina was looking at a little boy in a front pack being carried by his mom.

Katerina says "hi" to the mom. She says hi to everyone. And we strike up a conversation with the mom. It was apparent from early on that her little boy was adopted. So I finally say something to the effect of, "This may be inappropriate but where is your son from?" The adorable little guy was from Ethiopia. So we and the mom had a ten minute conversation while Katerina touched his hand a few times. He is 11 months old and his hand is already the size of Katerina's.

In the end we exchanged emails and will try to get together come the spring when it thaws out with other adoption families that the mom has met along the way from this area.

A weird but cool meeting of people with something in common.


Maggie and Randy said...

Very cool. Let us know when u plan a get together...maybe we will join u as well for a big adoptive family gathering! :-) We are a special group of people!