Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tough Day

Katerina had her 15 month check up yesterday which included 3 vaccinations and immunizations. Unfortunately, she is running a fever today. She tries to laugh and be happy like she usually is, but is having a tough time. We feel so bad for her. We are just trying to keep her hydrated and cool as well as giving her anything she wants to eat today (cookies, popsicles, fruits. Yummy!

On the good side of all this, our pediatrician was happy with her progress. She is still short :). She is in the 25th percentile for height. Her head is still in the 90-95th percentile (big brain!!!). And, her weight has increased from the 25th percentile range to near the 5oth percentile. The key was she was well within the norms for increase from her last appointment. And of course, what child wouldn't increase in weight after getting more nutrition and full attention 100% of the time.

We are so happy she is here and hope her fever drops by bedtime. At least a little.


Maggie and Randy said...

OHHH poor baby I hope she feels better really soon. We can't wait to meet her!!!!!!