Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thoughts while I can't sleep

It is now 6:05 am. I slept from 9 - 2:30 when Kelly and I both woke up. Tried to sleep after chatting but that did not work out. So at about 4:15 we decided to watch Dodgeball. Love that movie. We will shortly be showering and getting breakfast. Then heading out to see the sights. I think our plan is to break the day into a morning venture, then nap. Then an evening venture to see the sights at night as well.

As you can imagine, we are anxious for Tuesday when we finally get to see Kat. But also excited for today and tomorrow. There was some great looking architecture on the drive in from the airport. Although as I was so tired and not feeling too well I was more anxious to just get to the hotel. The hotel is nestled on a side street and is quite nice. Combining the hotel's staff with the proximity to most things we want to see, it really can't be beat.

We ordered room service last night and as one would expect the cost was high. We were told not to drink anything but bottled water so I ordered a bottle of water. Kelly got a Corona which was 200 rubles (about 7 bucks). My smaller bottle of water was about 300 rubles (nearly 10 bucks). Bottled water is not cheap here. That is for certain. But we are on vacation so we are going to have fun and not worry about cost (as much as I can not worry about those things).

Will post again this evening after we have seen the sights. Hopefully will have some pictures or video to add as well so everyone can share with some of the things we are seeing while here.