Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thoughts about Katerina

It has been some time since I posted a real post (the one a few minutes ago does not count). Now that we have been home for 2 and a 1/2 weeks we have seen certain things and come to certain thoughts about the orphanage and Katerina's time in Moscow.

First, we still thank the orphanage a ton as it appears Katerina was a favorite there. That being said, we were told she was crawling and nearly walking. We have a tough time seeing this as Katerina just started crawling in the past couple of days. She is cruising along now when she wants something but still prefers to be carried. We usually give in :). She is, just as she was there, standing with the help of either Kelly and I or stationary objects.

We have also seen significant growth in small things since she has been home and eating the recommended amounts of food (based on the book..."What to expect * Toddler Years"). Her hair has grown in quickly and is much thicker now than it was 3 weeks ago. And her stomach is round like a baby's should be rather than not being round when we got her. Once again, this is not a knock on the baby home as we are grateful for all they did for Katerina in her 13 months there. But these are noticeable differences we have seen in just the nearly 3 weeks we have been home.